Publications & CV

Articles in Peer-Reviewed Publications

In Review

Betz, A., Anderson, B.M., Portell, R., Hendricks, J., Strotz, L., Lieberman, B.* in review. Extinction risk related to functional traits in Pliocene to Holocene West Atlantic molluscs. Palaeontology (Special issue: Ecological Uniformitarianism)

Goodman, A.G., Anderson, Brendan M., Crowley, K.D., Allmon, W.D., Myers, C., Lunt, D.J., Farnsworth, A., and Hopkins, M.J. in revision. Global climate model comparisons of niche evolution in turritelline gastropods across the end-Cretaceous mass extinction. Paleobiology

Anderson, B.M. and Allmon, W.D. in revision. Quit telling everyone I’m Dead! Punctuated equilibria remains a valid observation in modern analyses using a persistence-of-ancestor criterion. Paleobiology (Special issue: Punctuated Equilibrium at 50).

Published & In Press

“*” indicates corresponding author, if not first author

22. Anderson, B.M. Behn, J. Betz, A.G, Petsios, E., Allmon, W.D., Lieberman, B., and Hendricks, J.R. In press. Body-size evolution in gastropods across the Plio-Pleistocene extinction in the western Atlantic.  PLOS ONE

21. Smith et al. (Over 100 authors).  In Press. Big questions in paleontology: A community initiative to motivate new insights about the history of life on Earth.  “On the Record” article in Paleobiology.

20. Plotnick, R.E., Anderson, B.M., Carlson, S.J., Jukar, A., Kimmig, J., and Petsios, E. In press. Employment in Paleontology: Status and Trends. Final Report of the Paleontological Society employment committee to be published as an “On the Record” article in Paleobiology.

19. Scholz, S.R.G, Anderson, B.M., Petersen, S.V. 2024. Modern reconstructions of mean and seasonal-scale climate from coastal marine gastropods (Turritellidae). Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology.

18. Aghi, K. Anderson, B.M., Castellano, B.M., Cunningham, A. Delano, M., Dickinson, E.S., von Diezmann, L., Forslund-Startceva, S.K., Grijseels, D.M., Groh, S.S., Guthman, E.M., Jayasinghe, I., Johnston, J., Long, S., McLaughlin, J.S., McLaughlin, M., Miyagi, M. Rajaraman, B. Sancheznieto, F., Scheim, A.I., Sun, S.D., Titmuss, F.D., Walsh, R.J., Weinberg, Z.Y. 2024. Commentary: Rigorous science demands support of transgender scientists. Cell.  187: 1327-1334. DOI: 10.1016/j.cell.2024.02.021

17. Friend, D.S., Anderson, B.M.*, and Allmon, W.D. 2024. The hollow newel state in gastropods: When snail shells are open-axis. Journal of Molluscan Studies. 90: eyae001. 

16. Anderson, B.M. and Allmon, W.D. 2023. Phylogeny and systematics of fossil and Recent Vermicularia (Caenogastropoda: Turritellidae). Malacologia. 66: 1-59.

15. Friend, D.S., Anderson, B.M., Altier, E., Sang, S., Petsios, E., Portell, R.W., and Allmon, W.D. 2023. Systematics and phylogeny of Plio-Pleistocene species of Turritellidae (Gastropoda) from Florida and the Atlantic coastal plain. Bulletins of American Paleontology. 402: 1-74.

14. Pietsch, C., Gigliotti, M., Anderson, B.M., and Allmon, W.D. 2023. Patterns and processes in the history of body size in turritelline gastropods, Jurassic-to-Recent. Paleobiology. 49: 621-641. DOI: 10.1017/pab.2023.7 

13. Anderson, B.M., Herleman, K.C., Ebey, C., and Haas, D. 2022. Consider the following: A pilot study of the effects of an educational television program on viewer perceptions of anthropogenic climate change and ocean acidification. Journal of Geoscience Education. 70: 437-459. DOI: 10.1080/10899995.2021.1949693 

12. Friend, D.S., Anderson, B.M., and Allmon, W.D. 2021. Geographic contingency, not species sorting, dominates macroevolutionary dynamics in an extinct clade of neogastropods (Volutispina; Volutidae). Paleobiology. Phylogenetic Paleoecology special issue. 47: 236-250. DOI: 10.1017/pab.2020.60.  

11. Pietsch, C., Anderson, B.M., Maistros, L.M., Paladino, E., and Allmon, W.D. 2021. Convergent and parallel evolution of extreme parietal callusing in diverse Cenozoic gastropod clades. Paleobiology. Phylogenetic Paleoecology special issue. 47: 337-362. DOI: 10.1017/pab.2020.33  

 10. Shin, C.P., Allmon, W.D., Anderson, B.M., Kelly, B.T., Hiscock, K., and Shin, P.K.S. 2020. Distribution and abundance of turritelline gastropods (Cerithioida: Turritellidae) in Hong Kong: Implications for a characteristic fossil assemblage. Journal of the marine biological association of the United Kingdom. DOI: 10.1017/S0025315420001204. 

 9. Scholz, S.R., Petersen, S.V., Escobar, J., Jaramillo, C., Hendy, A.J.W., Allmon, W.D., Curtis, J.H., Anderson, B.M., Hoyos, N., Restrepo, J.C., and Perez, N. 2020. Isotope sclerochronology indicates enhanced precipitation seasonality in northern Colombia during the mid-Miocene climatic optimum.  Geology. 48: 668-672 DOI: 10.1130/G47235.1 

8. Anderson, B.M. and Allmon, W.D. 2020. High calcification rates and inferred metabolic trade-offs in the largest turritellid gastropod, Turritella abrupta (Neogene). Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology. 544: 109623 DOI: 10.1016/j.palaeo.2020.109623. 

7. Sang, S., Friend, D.S., Allmon, W D., and Anderson, B.M.* 2019. Protoconch enlargement in western Atlantic turritelline gastropod species following the closure of the Central American Seaway. Ecology and Evolution. 9: 5309-5323. DOI: 10.1002/ece3.5120 

6. Anderson, B.M. and Allmon, W.D. 2018 When domes are spandrels: On septation in turritellids and other gastropods. Paleobiology. 44 (3): 444-459. 

5. Johnson, E.H., Anderson, B.M., and Allmon, W.D. 2017. What can we learn from all those pieces? Obtaining data on drilling predation from fragmented high-spired gastropod shells. Palaios. 32 (5): 271-277. 

4. Anderson, B. M., Hendy, A., Johnson, E.H., and Allmon, W.D. 2017. Paleoecology and paleoenvironmental implications of turritelline gastropod dominated assemblages from the Gatun Formation (Upper Miocene) of Panama. Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology. 470: 132-146. 

3. Anderson, B. M., A. Moore, G. Lewis, and W. D. Allmon. 2014. Fossils of the Western US. Pages 81-124, in: The Teacher-Friendly Guide to the Earth Science of the Western US, M. D. Lucas, R. M. Ross, & A. N. Swaby (eds). Paleontological Research Institution (Special Publication 47), Ithaca, NY.  

2.  Rothschild, B. M., Martin, L.D., Anderson, B., Olcott Marshall, A., and Marshall, C.P. 2013. Raman spectroscopic documentation of Oligocene bladder stone.  Naturwissenschaften 100: 8 789-794. 

1. Anderson, B. M., Pisani, D., Miller, A.I., and Peterson, K.J. 2011. The environmental affinities of marine higher taxa and possible biases in their first appearances in the fossil record. Geology 39: 971-974.

Non-Peer-Reviewed Publications

4. Anderson, B.M. 2024. Unwinding with worm-snails. American Paleontologist Newsletter. Issue 2. p. 7.

3. Voss, B.D.*, Anderson, B.M.*, Mclaughlin, J.*, Collins, K.*, and Boys, W.* An open letter to the scientific community in the US and UK on the crisis impacting transgender people. First Release Date 12/2023.   

2. Plotnick, R. E., Anderson, B. M., Carlson, S. J., Jukar, A. M., Kimmig, J., and Petsios, E. 2023. Paleontology is far more than new fossil discoveries: Understanding the ancient past is critical to responding to challenges we face in the future. Scientific American. 

1. Anderson, B.M., Diaz, V.D. Henderson, S., Lukowiak, M. 2021. Spotlight on Diversity: Juggling palaeontology and caring responsibilities during Covid19, Jarochowska, E. (Ed.).Palaeontological Association Newsletter 107:74-79.

Selected Conference Presentations

I have given or been a co-author on more than 60 conference presentations or invited talks. These include presentations at Evolution, GSA annual meetings, the North American Paleontological Convention, and the Earth Educators Rendezvous as well as departmental seminars and smaller conferences. A selection of recent talks is given below.

Selected Presentations:

Anderson, B.M. 2024. Environmental and ontogenetic controls on gastropod macroevolution in the Plio-Pleistocene of the western Atlantic. SUNY Binghamton Department of Earth Sciences, Binghamton, NY.  (Invited Talk)

Anderson, B.M. 2022. Environmental and ontogenetic causes of Cenozoic gastropod macroevolution. University of Southern California Department of Earth Sciences, Los Angeles, CA. (Invited Talk)

Anderson, B.M. 2022 Assessing mechanisms of morphological change in marine gastropods through an eco-evo-devo framework.  Geological Society of America Annual Meeting, Boulder, CO. (Keynote-Exploring the Mechanisms of Morphological Change)

Anderson, B.M. and Allmon, W.D. 2024. Macroevolutionary and macroecological trends in Turritellidae in the western Atlantic Neogene-recent: insights from an abundant, well-studied taxon. North American Paleontological Convention, Ann Arbor, MI.

Anderson, B.M. Behn, J., Betz, A.G, Petsios, E., Allmon, W.D., Lieberman, B., and Hendricks, J.R. 2023. Conflicting body-size trends across the Plio–Pleistocene molluscan turnover event in the western Atlantic despite subsequent nutrient limitation. Geological Society of America Annual Meeting, Pittsburgh, PA.

Anderson, B.M., Friend, D.S., and Allmon, W.D. 2023. Caviturritella (Friend & Anderson, 2023) – A new genus of Turritellidae defined in part by the absence of a columella (hollow newel state). Western Society of Malacologists Annual Meeting, Orange, CA.

Anderson, B.M., Petsios, E., and Nesmith, S. 2023. How do biology, geoscience, and science education courses affect student acceptance of evolution at a religiously affiliated institution: Do implicit perceptions of cultural similarity affect religious students' perspectives? National Association of Geoscience Teachers, Eastern Section, Ithaca, NY.

Recent Conference presentations given by student co-authors:

Graduate Students:

Rojas, D., Anderson, B.M., Hendricks, J., Portell, R., and Lieberman, B.S. 2023. Estimado el efecto de los rasgos funcionales en la supervivencia de moluscos del Cenozoico Superior (Estimating the net effect of functional traits on extinction in upper Cenozoic mollusks). Colombian Congress of Paleontology, Bogota, Colombia.

 Betz, A., Anderson, B.M., Hendricks, J., Portell, R., Strotz, L., Lieberman, B. 2023.Functional traits and survivability in west Atlantic mollusks. Geological Society of America Annual Meeting, Pittsburgh, PA.

Rojas, D.G, Anderson, B.M., Hendricks, J., Portell, R., Strotz, L., Lieberman, B. 2023. Estimating the net effect of functional traits on extinction in Pliocene to modern mollusks. Geological Society of America Annual Meeting, Pittsburgh, PA.

Undergraduate Students:

Storozhynska, N., Anderson, B.M., and Allmon, W.D. 2023. Changes in drilling and peeling predation on turritellid gastropods associated with the Pliocene western Atlantic Regional mass extinction. Geological Society of America Annual Meeting, Pittsburgh, PA. (Poster).

Crowley, K.D., Anderson, B.M., and Allmon, W.D. 2023. Patterns & timescales of extinction & recovery in turritellid gastropods across the K-Pg (Maastrichtian-Danian) in the U.S. Gulf & Atlantic Coastal plains. Geological Society of America Annual Meeting, Pittsburgh, PA.

Allmon, W.D., Li, L., and Anderson, B.M. 2023. Comparative analysis of the microstructure of spiral shell ribs in two bivalve and three gastropod species. Geological Society of America Annual Meeting, Pittsburgh, PA. (Poster).

Crowley, K., Anderson, B.M., and Friend, D. 2022. Impact of the K-Pg mass extinction on phylogenetic relationships in upper Maastrichtian-Danian (Late Cretaceous-Paleocene) turritellid gastropods in the U.S. Gulf Coastal Plain. GSA Connects, Denver, CO.