Paleobiology Paleoclimatology

Brendan M. Anderson, Ph.D.

Marine Invertebrate Biology Macroevolution

Welcome to the website of Brendan Anderson. I am a paleobiologist and geoscientist with a passion for both research and geoscience education. I have published more than 20 scientific papers and have been teaching geosciences courses in some capacity for more than 10 years. I am currently serving as a visiting professor at Union College where I am teaching courses including Sedimentology & Stratigraphy and Conservation Paleobiology.

I am interested in macroevolution and how the interactions between an organism’s physical and biotic environment, development, and resultant morphologies lead to long-term evolutionary consequences. I am especially interested in phylogenetic paleoecology in gastropods, with particular expertise in Turritellidae.

Outside the traditional classroom, I’m also interested in using paleontology for earth science communication in a variety of settings (e.g., Skype a Scientist, and public programming at the Museum of the Earth and Cayuga Nature Center).

Dr. Brendan Anderson
